Sepehr Sadra Khorasan investment company registered as a private limited company (PVT) in the Registration office of for companies and industrial property, under the number of 307. The company has started its activities officially since 2010
Relying on its human capital and participation of senior professional managers, which has led to the growth and development of the company over the years of its activity, and with long term experiences in developing macroeconomic strategies and by implementation of big investment projects and staff management and the national and regional projects, the company could sign the first official brokerage contract with Neyshabour municipality. In the first step the company could take the administrative measures to issue the participation bounds and to examine, design and build several massive infrastructure projects. The company is the representative of municipality for concluding contracts with financing companies, investors in private sectors, banks and financial and credit institutions and has the responsibility of attracting them for the implementation of developmental projects, urbanization, construction, tourism,, renovation and improvement of deteriorated areas in line with prosperity of urban development,, creation of an impressive future for entrepreneurs and private investors
Sepehr Sadra Khorasan company, with long-term experience in development and investment, is seeking to attract new investors to invest in different economic, development and commercial projects

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